I will start by clarifying, I am a "happy housewife". I love having the opportunities to spend very precious moments with my children, I love being available to attend school functions with them, and I love being home when they get home from school to hear all about there day. That being said, however, being home all the time has some (of course, very few) drawbacks, which include, but are not limited to, mundane chores around the house. Until recently one of my least favorite chores was folding laundry. Aaron will attest to the fact that he would have trouble finding socks in his drawer and t-shirts in his closet. They were clean but only to be found in a pile sitting in the window in the bedroom or in baskets in the laundry room. Well, as much as I am hesitant to admit, I found a way to remedy the boredom of laundry folding, and it is called Netflix! I decided I would rent television shows that I have always wanted to see but could not get Aaron to watch with me. I started with 7 long seasons of Gilmore Girls, which I thoroughly enjoyed (and knew Aaron would rather stick a needle in his eye than watch one whole episode). I have since moved on to Smallville (yes, both shows were and are on the CW and are probably geared more toward those in their late teens and early 20s, but I will admit I am not the most sophisticated woman out there). I am in season 5 and seem to be a bit obsessed with continuing on with the story of young (and hot) Clark Kent saving the world against an unusually large number of psychotic teens who really only have a desire to kill everyone in sight. Although this is probably not the most thought provoking and intelligent tv writing out there, it has given me a greater fondness for Superman.
Which brings me to my next point (this is a very random thought process, but it works for me), if I were to choose a fictional character to be infatuated with, it would be Superman. This thought came to me as I was talking with my husband about being "a freak" about the Twilight movie coming out...well in less than 45 minutes. I assured him I was not a "freak" about the book or the movie. I did enjoy it. I had many sleepless nights over wondering what would happen next, and read the first 3 books twice, but a "freak", really? I have not bought wood signs that say "Bite Me", I do not wear a "Team Edward" t-shirt...besides, if I had chosen a shirt it would have said "Team Jacob", and I do not have "Edward Cullen" written across my mini-van with a big heart in the middle.
I did not admit my infatuation with Superman to Aaron, of course, he still has not stopped teasing me for calling him at work and telling him that the guy installing our cable was cute. What would he say if I told him, Edward Cullens great and all but I would choose Smallville's Clark Kent, or Christopher Reeve for that matter, over Edward Cullen any day of the week My reason for picking Superman is that Clark Kent is your every day guy who happens to also be able to save the world with his awesome strength, incredible speed, body of steel, super hearing, and knack for shooting fire out of his eyes. Needless to say, I would choose to be Lois Lane over Bella Swan.
So, after evaluating my thoughts I realized, very strongly, that I watch way too much Smallville and I really need a hobby. Something that would stimulate my mind, increase my life skills, and just make me a better person overall. And I don't think going out and buying Superman comics would count.
Denise - I am so much the same with laundry!!! I always have the clothes clean, but sitting in baskets in the laundry for days. I hate folding laundry and with 4 kids and two adults there is a LOT of laundry. I sit down and watch the chat shows though - not sure if that is better or worse :) I LOVE watching Ellen while I sit down and fold clothes.
Confession: Getting the laundry put away is a chore for me as well. With the kids I just sort their laundry and they are in charge of folding and putting away their own, so it's just Doug that is on the hunt for clothes. He's very patient with me :)
Okay..smallville really?? I mock that show every time Steve is watching it. Like last night for instance, I was brushing my teeth and heard that he was watching it and quickly ran out of the bathroom and said(in a mocking tone) "did I miss the hospital scene?" EVERY episode has someone landing themselves into the hospital for some exposure to a meteor or explosion. If I were Chloe...I would have moved from Smallville ages ago..it's not SAFE!!
Good on you for finding a way to get the laundry folded...I just make my kicking and screaming 10 year old do it. (you were witness to that just today) My little way of torturing my her.
Hi Denise! It's Caroline....Seth's Caroline that is....
I stumbled across your blog from Julie's....
All I have to say is...........TEAM JACOB???????? ( said while washing my team Edward Tshirt.) :)
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